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Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Faith Shorts

Every Wednesday Reverend Ben Norton brings you an encouragement and a biblical truth in less than a minute.

firefall, studios, christian, video, producers, production, social media, youtube, ministry, Online, Evangelism, academy, workshops, Faith, Shorts, Banner
firefall, studios, christian, video, producers, production, social media, youtube, ministry, Online, Evangelism, academy, workshops

Christian Lens

Using the bible as our guide we take a look at one of the past weeks big news topics. Brought to you by ordained Christian minister Ané Finnerty

Healings & 


Firefall Studios takes to the streets with Evangelists to witness them delivering Healings & Salvations.

firefall, studios, christian, video, producers, production, social media, youtube, ministry, Online, Evangelism, academy, workshops, Healings, Salvations,
firefall, studios, christian, video, producers, production, social media, youtube, ministry, Online, Evangelism, academy, workshops, Revive, TV,

Revive TV

Before specialising in Christian video shorts for social media I produced the 6 part television series ‘Revive’ You can view episodes 1,3, 4 ,5 & 6 below.

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Help us to reach more Christians and a bigger audience

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